Lights, Bites, & Christmas Delights - 2022 NSES Christmas Concert

Lights, Bites, and Christmas Delights! - We are looking forward to this week’s concerts!
All Grade 1 to 5 students with last names starting with A through K will perform at 1:15pm & 6:30pm on Wednesday, December 14th & students with last names starting with L through Z will perform at 1:15pm & 6:30pm on Thursday, December 15th.
ALL AM Kindergarten students are welcome to return for the 1:15pm performance on the 14th and then students with last names starting A through K perform at 6:30pm on Wednesday, December 14th & students with last names starting with L through Z will perform at 6:30pm on Thursday, December 15th.
Full Day Kindergarten students will be performing on their usual Wednesday or Thursday for the matinee performances but then join the evening performances based on the first letter of their last name.
Doors will open for the evening concert at 6:00pm, but please arrive between 6:00-6:20pm to drop your child off at their classroom. Please encourage grandparents and family members that can attend the afternoon performances as space is limited for the evening performances.
There is no fee to attend the concerts but there will be an opportunity to donate cash towards the NS Breakfast Program if you wish to do so.
Students are encouraged to dress up in festive and/or performance attire. Hope to see you there!