Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Bus Routes

To look at the routes for the upcoming year for all Lethbridge School Division schools, please click here

School bus transportation is provided to all students who live over 1 km from the school.  If you are new to the City of Lethbridge or moving to another part of the city and would like to know what school your child should be attending, the links below will provide you with school boundaries and transportation information.  Please call the Transportation Coordinator at 403-380-5303 if you require further information.

Transportation is provided for eligible students from a designated pick‐up & from school ONLY (not to babysitters, grandparents, play dates, music lessons, jobs or sports events, etc.) No friends are allowed to travel with you. Drivers are not responsible for students who get off at stops other than their designated stop, or students who take a route which is not their designated route. Only eligible students, drivers or authorized persons may ride the bus. Students wishing to take friends home are responsible for finding their own way home.

Lethbridge School Division Boundary Maps for elementary schools click here.

If you are unsure of your designate school, please use the School Locator Package here.

Rules & Regulations

Student Transportation Handbook