Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

School Council

The School Council is the organization where parents communicate and exchange ideas with each other, teachers and school management on a large variety of issues such as:

  1. Student policies and procedures( (i.e) lates, discipline, dress code, etc.
  2. School programs (i.e. Science Fair, Concerts), curriculum adaptions 
  3. Computer technology 
  4. Field trips, extra-curricular programs 
  5. Fundraisers, special events, etc

The School council does not do 'Site Based Management', but in effect is an advisory drawing board where all parties involved in our school can express their preferences as to what direction to take on the above and/or many other issues. Parents 'make' the meetings: any concerns regarding the well-being of our students can be presented, discussed and hopefully solved. 

2023/24 School Council Executive

Chair - Sarah H

Vice Chair - Lindsay O

Treasurer - Lacey M

Secretary - Brette T

DSC Reps - Monnu B & Tyler W

To contact school council:  NS.SCPres@lethsd.ab.ca

Who Can Attend?

All parents of Kindergarten through Grade 5 students, staff members and community representatives involved with Nicholas Sheran School are welcome to attend any meeting of the School Council. However, only those parents and guardians who have signed the "Code of Ethics" will have a vote at the School Council meetings.

When Does School Council Meet?

Meetings happen once a month on the third Tuesday evening starting at 6:30pm in the NS Community Room.

Why Should You Get Involved?

School Council offers an opportunity for parents to get involved in your child's education by volunteering in a school-wide activity or helping out in the classroom. Your involvement will help to ensure the best possible school experience for your child(ren).

NS Parent Council Lending Library

The NS Parent Council received a grant in 2021/22 to purchase parent resources. Parent Council funded a parent presentation and chose to spend the remaining funds on books for a Parent Lending Library. There are 8 books available to be loaned out from the school office. You are able to come in and sign them out or send an email to Jeanine.miklos@lethsd.ab.ca and they can be sent home with your child.

Nicholas Sheran School Council Operating Procedures

May 17, 2017