West Lethbridge Elementary Boundaries (Process and Timelines)

September 20, 2024
Dear Families of Nicholas Sheran Elementary School,
The following information has been made public in the September 24th Lethbridge School Division Board Meeting agenda package posted to our school division website:
The School Alignment Committee Report of recommended changes to West Lethbridge Elementary Boundaries will be presented at the September 24th Board Meeting. The report can be read in the agenda package that has just gone out to the public.
There will be an opportunity for feedback on the recommendations in the report via an online survey that will go live on September 25th until October 18th.
The Board will hold a Special Meeting on October 29th at 7pm to review the feedback and potentially approve the new boundaries to come into effect for the 2025-2026 school year.
Thank you for all you do to engage in this process. This information is now public and can be shared. The 2024/2025 Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Highlights can always be found here. The agenda packaged for the September 24th meeting can be found here.
Please take care,
-Aaron Fitchett, Principal