Nicholas Sheran Virtual Project Fair

What: Canadian Heritage or Science Project Showcase
Where: Online
When: Tuesday, March 15th
Who: Anyone from Kindergarten - Grade 5
Why: Do you often have many unanswered questions? Choose one question to study and research or test a theory and showcase your work. The question could be about a Canadian topic or a scientific query. You will receive wonderful feedback from helpful judges and may be eligible to enter the regional competition to see other amazing entries and even win prizes. Start brainstorming and let’s have fun!
If your child is interested in participating in the Project Fair please complete the permission form (paper copies in the office or here) and return to Miss Finnie (Kinder-Grade 2) and Mrs. Erickson (Grades 3-5) by Friday, February 18, 2022.
If you have any questions, please email: or