Bus Routes

Bus Routes are now posted at http://www.southland.ca/lethbridge.
Southland Transportation Ltd.'s MyBusStop app is ready to use. MyBusStop is a GPS tracking service, which delivers real-time information on a subscriber’s bus location, route stops, route traffic, route schedule, route progress and possible bus delays. Information on how to use the app, including detailed instructions, can be found here: https://www.lethsd.ab.ca/transportation/mybusstop-app
School codes are required to use the app. The codes are located on a password-protected page of the Division website here: https://www.lethsd.ab.ca/transportation/mybusstop-app/school-codes
The password is southlandcodes
Please download the app on your phone to receive real-time updates and receive frequent bus updates, traffic conditions and dispatch comments.
Southland also provides a website-based school bus tracking system called My School Bus Monitor, where parents/caregivers can sign up for email alerts for specific school bus routes. Information on My School Bus Monitor can be found here: https://www.myschoolbusmonitor.ca/Index.aspx