2021-22 Early Education Program (EEP) Registration Process

Early Education Programs within Lethbridge School Division focus primarily on supporting children with identified needs. Additional spaces are then opened up to the public as available on a fee-paying basis (monthly fees are currently under review). Early intervention is embraced through developmentally appropriate play opportunities, brain-based practices and knowledgeable staff. Programs run four half days per week, Monday through Thursday.
With changes in funding structures and increasing demand for Early Education Programs across Lethbridge, all families will complete an “Expression of Interest” for their school location preferences regarding 2021/2022 programming. Families will rank their choices of location and then also indicate preferences for morning or afternoon programming. Children must be four years old as of Dec. 31, 2021 with the intent of doing one year of Early Education Programming, followed by one year of Kindergarten, and Grade 1 the following year.
Children who turn three by Dec. 31, 2021, and who meet the Alberta Education criteria for a severe developmental delay, will also be accepted. These are the only three year-olds accepted at this time. If your child has a severe developmental delay please contact Isabelle Plomp, Early Childhood Coordinator for Lethbridge School Division via email, isabelle.plomp@lethsd.ab.ca or by phone (403)380-5291 to discuss potential placement. At the beginning of June, other three year olds may be considered if there is space available, through an “Expression of Interest” completed at that time. Watch for updates on the Lethbridge School Division website (www.lethsd.ab.ca).
Lethbridge School Division 2021/2022 Early Education Program locations:
West Lethbridge: Dr. Gerald B. Probe School, Nicholas Sheran School, Mike Mountain Horse School
South Lethbridge: Fleetwood-Bawden School, Lakeview School
North Lethbridge: Galbraith School, Park Meadows School, Immanuel Christian Elementary School
A link to the “Expression of Interest” forms will be available starting March 15 at www.lethsd.ab.ca, and can be completed electronically through this link: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM. The “Expression of Interest” process will take place from March 15-31. The order in which forms are received will not impact placement, as all placements will be determined through a lottery process at the beginning of April.
Families will be notified by the Lethbridge School Division office by April 16 regarding their placement outcome. At that point, families will receive directions on how to complete formal registrations and will pay their $40 registration fee. This process will take place through the Lethbridge School Division office, and not at individual schools.
Should you require support to complete your “Expression of Interest”, please contact Lethbridge School Division administrative assistant, Melinda Moore through email (melinda.moore@lethsd.ab.ca) or by calling 403-380-5385.